Update: FDA Denies Approval of Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP)

On 9 August 2024, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) received a Complete Response Letter (CRL) from the FDA regarding their New Drug Application (NDA) for MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD. The verdict? The FDA did not approve the therapy, i.e., full rejection of the NDA. The FDA’s decision was based on several factors. Primarily, …

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP)

Over the past several years, I have been watching with great anticipation the trajectory of the clinical trials for Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP). PAP is a therapeutic approach combing the use of psychedelic substances like MDMA, LSD, or Psilocybin with traditional (talk) psychotherapy. This treatment gets administered in a professionally monitored environment and aims to …

AD(H)D + Meditation, Possible?

If I was pushed into a corner and only able to hand you one tool to improve your life, it would be meditation. It doesn’t have to be the very popular mindfulness-based meditation we are all hearing so much about lately, but any meditation practice that you connect with.

The Importance of FUN

Embracing fun activities, whether through arts, hobbies, or playful learning, contributes significantly to our mental health. So go ahead, indulge in that hobby, dance, paint, or explore new interests—it’s good for you!

How Values Create Resilience

So much of the work we do together here at Liberated Mind involves exploring Values. This month’s newsletter links to a recent episode of Hidden Brain; it is a useful reminder about why values are so important for our well-being / mental health.