The Importance of FUN

Embracing fun activities, whether through arts, hobbies, or playful learning, contributes significantly to our mental health. So go ahead, indulge in that hobby, dance, paint, or explore new interests—it’s good for you!

How Values Create Resilience

So much of the work we do together here at Liberated Mind involves exploring Values. This month’s newsletter links to a recent episode of Hidden Brain; it is a useful reminder about why values are so important for our well-being / mental health.

The Three Pillars, Pillar #3: Exercise

Physical activity has been consistently shown to relate to improved physical health, life satisfaction, cognitive functioning, and psychological well-being [i]. Exercise can independently reduce the risk for depression [iii], and people who move more have a significantly lower risk for major depressive disorder [iv].

The Three Pillars, Pillar #2: Diet

The word diet can also mean “a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly to reduce one’s weight, or for health reasons, i.e., going on a diet.” In general, this is NOT what we mean when we use the word diet, though this may be implied if what you are eating is not actually helping you take care of yourself.

The Three Pillars, Pillar #1: Sleep

We mention Sleep, Diet, and Exercise a lot here at Liberated Mind. Noted! So, let’s take a moment to review each topic. This newsletter post provides links to the science on each of these topics. Please take a minute to review the science on Sleep.

So, we’re all addicted to something, now what?!

As a follow up to last month’s newsletter message, I’m sharing two episodes of Hidden Brain. Even if you feel like you’ve got your cravings / wanting under control, these episodes are a must listen for anyone navigating the technological+dopamine flooded world many of us live in today. Really. I promise these are worth your …