The Liberated Mind Top 10 List

We recently added the top ten psychotherapy tools / modalities / “things” we work on here at Liberated Mind to our About page. We wanted to share them here as a part of our monthly newsletter. They are:

  1. Sleep (S).
  2. Diet (D).
  3. Exercise (E).
    Before thinking much beyond SDE, it is very important to be honest about your relationship to the three pillars, SDE!
    — doing any of the below can be helpful, but absent attention to SDE no matter how great 4-9, it will have limited efficacy.
  4. Getting outside!
    But, I’m not a nature person! Heard. Let’s explore this anyway.
  5. Mindfulness / Meditation.
    But, but, I just can’t meditate for XYZ reason! Are you still listening to that story your mind is telling you?
    — it’s time to read: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics. No really, read it! Even YOU can do this! Yes, you!
  6. Cultivating supporting relationships.
  7. Connecting with your “why“.  ACT’ing.
    Developing psychological flexibility is an active (not passive!) process, i.e., it is important to explore DOING things between sessions.
    — this means really engaging with the articles, podcasts, videos, books, tools and other resources we explore together.
    — #7 includes a lot, this is where we’d get into past traumas etc. For more on ACT: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy.
  8. Considering your identity spaces.
  9. Practicing self-compassion.
  10. Repeat!

We look forward to working with you on the Top 10 list as we move forward together.

This post does not constitute therapeutic counseling or advice; the contents of this post are provided as a learning resource. We share the contents hoping that if you are in need of mental health support you will reach out to us directly or to a mental health professional in your area.